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Here are some upholstery pics, and Slipcovers Upholstery done in a thick polka dot fabric. Facric was too thick to make the skirt a continuous piece of fabric so I had to make #24 individual pieces then sewed them on my strip od piping before stapling them on. A long piece of fabric was stapled underneath for the kick pleat backs.
When doing upholstery the same yardage can be used as well for slipcovers. The only difference is with upholstery you are tearing the furniture down to recover it and repair the structure. With slipcovers it's all sewing and measurements.
The best way to slipcover for me, is to pull the fabric off the bolt and lay over the chair, pin in place cut the pieces leaving seam allowance until you have all the pieces cut to the chair. Then you can began adding the piping so you can attach each piece. It will always fit because you chalked it on the original piece instead of measuring and making a mistake.