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I sew knits much more than cotton or wool nowadays with a little boy at home. To stablize knit, in my opinion fusible tricot is the best. To make it really stable, you fuse it opposite grain line at 90 degree from the outer fabric.(criss-cross) If you need to wear it, and need the knit to stretch, you can fuse it with the same grain line. I mean here is the stretching side of the fabric. Knit most of the time stretch side ways (2-way stretch, though there are some 4-way stretch).
Does it make sense? I don't go crazy about the line of grain so much on the fusible tricot. If you stretch them, you know which way is the stretchy side easily. You fuse it, so the small amount of being off line doesn't really bother me. Anyway knit is stretch fabric to begin with, you know!
I hope it helps.