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Learn to sew a skirt with lining from a pattern we drafted in another video course or a purchased pattern. Part A: Modify a tapered skirt pattern we drafted in a previous lesson including how to draft a waistband pattern. Learn how to add two more darts to the front and back to making it fall nicely on the body. How to use a pattern to make a pattern for the lining. How to square and press the fabric, laying out the pattern on the fabric, cutting the fabric, lining and interfacing, and how to fuse the interfacing to the fabric. Part B: Learn how to transfer the darts, hemline and center back seams from the pattern to the fabric and lining using tailor tacks and loose basting, machine basting and the steps to construct a skirt with lining, a waistband, an abutted slit, how to do the first fitting and inserting a standard zipper at the center back using the centered style. Part C: Learn how to do the second fitting, sewing the waistband, join the lining to the zipper and slit, hemming, finishing, sewing a button hole and a button on the waistband and press the skirt at different stages as we sew.
Please click on below images to zoom in. Duration: 306 mins |