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Hello Nehzat,
What is the best way to sew a 3-D corner with two pieces of fabric? I always get frustrated when I get to the corner and have to turn the lower piece to form the corner. At that point, I can't keep the raw edges aligned and seam allowance consistent!
Please help,
Dear Enas,
First make sure that your pieces have exactly the same seam allowances.
To get a perfect corner and consistent seam allowances, you can mark the location where the corner will be sewn to, by clipping a notch. Your notch should be a bit shorter than your seam allowance.
To sew the first seam of the 3-D corner, place the two pieces together, the fabric with the notch will go on top. The notch should be places with the same distance as the seam allowance from the corner while the edges are aligned.
Pin the two pieces together. Make sure to pin along the notch as well. Begin sewing the seam by machine. Once you get to the notch, keep the needle in. Lift the presser foot and bring the other edge of the top layer and align it with the edge of the lower layer. Again pin the two layers together while the corner is held in place by the machine needle.
Lower the presser foot and sew along the second seam line. You should now have a perfect 3-D corner. You can trim off some of the excess fabric diagonally at the corner, to let the fabric lie flat.
Hope this helps.
Happy sewing,