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Hello Nehzat,
Thank-You for this website:))
When applying a bias binding (single) on the neck edge of a woven garment, should I use the same formula to calculate the bias tapes length that you use for knit fabrics? I did a 1 to 1 ratio on a neck edge of a woven fabric and it seems to be pulling away from the neck a bit, It doesn't look good to me. Maybe my bias tape should be a bit smaller? even on woven fabric. Is there a formula for this?
Dear Veronica,
You are very welcome.
Bias tape should always be shorter than the edge it is sewn to, whether it is on woven or knitted fabric. However the difference in length can vary according to the shape of the edge the bias is sewn to, the stretchiness of the fabric or the bias tape. It may be that we are sewing the bias tape to a straight edge, a curved edge (like a rounded neckline), or the rounded edge of a placemat. All of these will make a difference to the length of the bias tape we need. Even if all these edges are the same length, the bias tape will be a different length for each one. So an inward curve will require less length of bias tape than an outward curve. The best way to know the ratio of bias tape length to edge length is to do a test and see the result.
Here is a link to a more detailed explanation I gave to another member, I believe this will help you out.
Happy sewing,