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Hi jacqui6719,
Vogues site recommands that you use: "Organdy, Dotted Swiss, Peau de soie and Tissue Taffeta."
Organdy is ( the sheerest cotton cloth made. Combed yarns contribute to its appearance. Its sheerness and crispness are the result of an acid finish. Because of its stiffness and fiber content, it is very prone to wrinkling.)
Dotted Swiss is (A fine, sheer, lightweight, crisp fabric of almost any fiber ....)
Peau de soie is (A soft silk fabric of satin weave having a dull finish)
Tissue Taffeta is (A crisp, lightweight taffeta....Taffeta is made either of silk, rayon or synthetics. Usually plain with a fine cross rib. It is made in plain colors, fancy prints, watered designs, and changeable effects. It is smooth with a sheen on its surface.)
Hope this helps.