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My name is Pat. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. This site is filled with so much wonderful information.
I've been sewing for a lot of years now, but never had any formal training. My mother taught me a few things at an early age and later my sisters and mother-in-law helped me a lot. I had the desire and gathered information wherever I could. My first dress I sewed by hand because I didn't have a sewing machine.
I'm anxious to learn all that is here.
Hi Pat,
Welcome to the site, I hope that you can find the information you need here, to help you along with your passion. I started sewing at a young age myself, sewing for my dolls and latter I became the dress maker for all the dolls of my younger sisters and some cousins. I also made bedding for the dolls.
I can't remember a single day when I was younger that I wasn't making something for those lucky dolls. We gathered our pocket money and went to the store to buy enough fabric so I could sew what I had in mind. I was not satisfied sewing with the scraps of fabric from my mom's sewing, there never was enough as she saved the bigger pieces, just in case she needed it.
Wish the best and happy sewing,