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Hi there i was viewing the pants and skirt pattern drafting videos and it says to calculate the dart intake measurements we need to divide by nine, however for the skirt and bodice patterns I cant seem to total 9 darts on the skirt front and back patterns and on the front and back bodice patterns. can you help me count where they are actually located to conclude a total of 9 darts????
Dear zizizi,
To understand how the darts are distributed around the waistline, I would like you to watch chapter 4 of the Skirt Block Pattern Making Video Lesson.
In this chapter I position one dart at each side, these darts have an intake that is twice the intake of the other darts. So they each count as two darts. 2 + 2 (for the sides) + 3 (at the center back) + 2 (at the front) = 9 darts.
This calculation works best for people for a standard body shape. For those who have different body shapes such as a protruding belly or buttocks, it is best to do test fittings on muslin and adjust the dart by reducing some dart intakes and adding them to others.
Hope this explains it,