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I am watching the SLANTED POCKET tutorial, and it says to use Tracing Paper. I looked in the materials list, and there wasn't any suggested type of tracing paper. What would be the best tracing paper for drafting? I searched for tracing paper online and I see there are sheets and there are rolls. Not sure if there is a thickness I should consider; or are they all the same.
OR . . . is that information in a series that I haven't watched yet? If so, please refer me to that series or video.
It would be great if the materials list were more detailed. I am a beginner sewer and I want to buy the supplies needed, but I want quality, because I don't want to buy them again (if I don't have to).
OR . . . a video on sewing supplies that would be used in some form in the lessons found on the site. What does Nehzat (I hope I spelled your name right) use or recommend. Stuff like that.
Thanks in advance for your help!